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Proteini Vitamins Minerals Omega 3 30 tabs 30 caps
Proteini Vitamins, Minerals & Omega 3 offers you a complex combination of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. These carefully selected ingredients provide the body with the most essential and important essential micro-elements that prevent the body from reducing its resistance and contribute to improving body condition, well-being and vitality. The fatty acids EPA and DHA are the only omega-3 fatty acids that have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, cognitive function, and vision, so it is important to include them in your diet regularly. • Vitamins A, C, D, B6 and B12 as well as the minerals copper, zinc, folic acid, selenium and iron contribute to the normal function of the immune system. • Vitamins C, E and B2 as well as the minerals copper, zinc, manganese and selenium help protect cells from oxidative stress. • Vitamins C, B2, B6, B12, folate and niacin as well as the minerals magnesium and iron help reduce tiredness and fatigue. • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contribute to the normal function of the heart. The positive effect is achieved with a daily intake of 250 mg EPA and DHA. Take 1 capsule a day with a meal.

Content: 140 Gram (CHF 14.21* / 100 Gram)

CHF 19.90*
Battery Carnitine 180 caps
L-carnitine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body. There are several formats of L-Carnitine, but Battery Nutrition Carnitine has chosen to use an " L- Tartrate" ester because it is the purest format available. In addition, each capsule contains a massive 1000mg dosage, ensuring you get maximum performance and health benefits at the absolute lowest price! L-carnitine is known as the amino acid that increases fat burning. However, studies show that the L-tartrate form as used in this product speeds muscle recovery and helps prevent DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Due to the fact that the need for L-carnitine may exceed what the body can produce on its own, supplementing with Battery Carnitine is a smart move. • Increases fat burning • converts fat into energy • Lowers cholesterol & promotes health • Reduces food cravings • Useful for heart & brain function Who Should Use L-Carnitine? Battery Carnitine is ideal for anyone looking for an easy-to-consume source of carnitine that can be taken throughout the day. It is recommended to consume 1 serving of L-Carntine 2-3 times a day with meals for best results. L-Carntine should be taken with a healthy, balanced diet.

Content: 347 Gram (CHF 17.26* / 100 Gram)

CHF 59.90*
Battery Carnitine 500 60 caps
L-carnitine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body. There are several formats of L-Carnitine, but Battery Nutrition Carnitine has chosen to use an " L- Tartrate" ester because it is the purest format available. In addition, each capsule contains a massive 1000mg dosage, ensuring you get maximum performance and health benefits at the absolute lowest price! L-carnitine is known as the amino acid that increases fat burning. However, studies show that the L-tartrate form as used in this product speeds muscle recovery and helps prevent DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Due to the fact that the need for L-carnitine may exceed what the body can produce on its own, supplementing with Battery Carnitine is a smart move. • Increases fat burning • converts fat into energy • Lowers cholesterol & promotes health • Reduces food cravings • Useful for heart & brain function Who Should Use L-Carnitine? Battery Carnitine is ideal for anyone looking for an easy-to-consume source of carnitine that can be taken throughout the day. It is recommended to consume 1 serving of L-Carntine 2-3 times a day with meals for best results. L-Carntine should be taken with a healthy, balanced diet.

Content: 80 Gram (CHF 19.88* / 100 Gram)

CHF 15.90*
Battery OMEGA 3 90 caps
Battery Nutrition Omega 3 is derived from fish oil and has a number of benefits ranging from supporting the joints to improving overall health. The polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish are essential / cannot be formed in the body and must be taken in through food. Most people do not get enough omega-3s from their normal diet (eat too little fish) and therefore need a supplement. Battery Omega 3 has a higher proportion of omega-3 than the standard omega-3 supplements available on the market and is obtained from reliable European suppliers. Each capsule contains concentrated omega-3 , which is rich in the essential fatty acids EPA, DHA and DPA and comes exclusively from oily fish that live in cold, fresh water. EPA and DHA have a variety of scientifically proven beneficial effects that have not only been documented by traditional medicine for centuries, but also recognized by the European Food Safety Authority. The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in Battery Nutrition Omega 3 may only be supplied exogenously through a healthy diet or through dietary supplements. Most people do not get enough omega-3s from their normal diet (eat too little fish) and therefore need a supplement. • 1000 mg highly concentrated fish oil • Documented and EFSA approved effects • Supports heart, brain, eye and joint health. • The content comes from controlled waters. • 100% beef gelatin capsule • 40% omega-3 fatty acids Take 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals. Use with Battery VIT & MIN for best results.

Content: 173 Gram (CHF 11.50* / 100 Gram)

CHF 19.90*

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