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The delicious Body Attack BBQ Sauce is ideal for refining BBQ dishes - and you can enjoy it without a guilty conscience, as it contains neither sugar nor fat. By consuming one portion (10ml) you only consume 1 kcal.   Product highlights: Low in fatLow in carbohydratesLow in caloriesDelicious tasteWith sweetener (sucralose)Gluten-free ingredientsSuitable for people with lactose intoleranceVegan What's in Body Attack's delicious American BBQ Sauce?The main ingredients water, bamboo fiber and a little sweetener (sucralose) are used to make sauces like this low in calories and figure-friendly. This means that other high-calorie fillers such as modified starch and sugar can be omitted.   Other ingredients include colorants, preservatives and, above all, flavor enhancers such as wine vinegar and salt. In its barbecue and herb sauces, Body Attack attaches great importance to the optimal flavor carriers - because most conventional low-calorie sauces lack a real kick.   All the ingredients used are not only suitable for vegans, but also for people with lactose and/or gluten intolerance.  

Content: 0.35 Kilogramme (CHF 7.24* / 0.39 Kilogramme)

CHF 6.50*
BODY ATTACK BBQ SAUCE, 320ml, Tomato Ketchup
The delicious Body Attack BBQ Sauce is ideal for refining BBQ dishes - and you can enjoy it without a guilty conscience, as it contains neither sugar nor fat. By consuming one portion (10ml) you only consume 1 kcal.   Product highlights: Low in fatLow in carbohydratesLow in caloriesDelicious tasteWith sweetener (sucralose)Gluten-free ingredientsSuitable for people with lactose intoleranceVegan What's in Body Attack's delicious American BBQ Sauce?The main ingredients water, bamboo fiber and a little sweetener (sucralose) are used to make sauces like this low in calories and figure-friendly. This means that other high-calorie fillers such as modified starch and sugar can be omitted.   Other ingredients include colorants, preservatives and, above all, flavor enhancers such as wine vinegar and salt. In its barbecue and herb sauces, Body Attack attaches great importance to the optimal flavor carriers - because most conventional low-calorie sauces lack a real kick.   All the ingredients used are suitable not only for vegans, but also for people with lactose and/or gluten intolerance. Shake well before use. Once opened, store in the fridge and use within a month.

Content: 0.35 Kilogramme (CHF 7.06* / 0.38 Kilogramme)

CHF 6.50*
BODY ATTACK DRESSING, 320ml, mayonnaise
The delicious Body Attack Dressing is ideal for enhancing meals - and you can enjoy it without a guilty conscience, as it contains neither sugar nor fat. If you eat one portion (10ml), you only consume 1 kcal.   Product highlights: Low in fatLow in carbohydratesLow in caloriesDelicious tasteWith sweetener (sucralose)Gluten-free ingredientsSuitable for people with lactose intoleranceVegan What's in Body Attack's delicious dressing?The main ingredients water, bamboo fiber and a little sweetener (sucralose) are used to make dressings like this one low in calories and figure-friendly. This means that other high-calorie fillers such as modified starch and sugar can be omitted. Other ingredients include colorants, preservatives and, most importantly, flavor enhancers such as wine vinegar and salt. Body Attack attaches great importance to the optimal flavor carriers in its dressings - because most conventional low-calorie dressings lack a real something.   All ingredients used are suitable for people with lactose and/or gluten intolerance. Shake well before use. Once opened, store in the fridge and use within a month. Store unopened in a cool, dry place.

Content: 0.35 Kilogramme (CHF 7.43* / 0.4 Kilogramme)

CHF 6.50*

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