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Battery OMEGA 3 90 caps
Battery Nutrition Omega 3 is derived from fish oil and has a number of benefits ranging from supporting the joints to improving overall health. The polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish are essential / cannot be formed in the body and must be taken in through food. Most people do not get enough omega-3s from their normal diet (eat too little fish) and therefore need a supplement. Battery Omega 3 has a higher proportion of omega-3 than the standard omega-3 supplements available on the market and is obtained from reliable European suppliers. Each capsule contains concentrated omega-3 , which is rich in the essential fatty acids EPA, DHA and DPA and comes exclusively from oily fish that live in cold, fresh water. EPA and DHA have a variety of scientifically proven beneficial effects that have not only been documented by traditional medicine for centuries, but also recognized by the European Food Safety Authority. The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in Battery Nutrition Omega 3 may only be supplied exogenously through a healthy diet or through dietary supplements. Most people do not get enough omega-3s from their normal diet (eat too little fish) and therefore need a supplement. • 1000 mg highly concentrated fish oil • Documented and EFSA approved effects • Supports heart, brain, eye and joint health. • The content comes from controlled waters. • 100% beef gelatin capsule • 40% omega-3 fatty acids Take 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals. Use with Battery VIT & MIN for best results.

Content: 173 Gram (CHF 11.50* / 100 Gram)

CHF 19.90*
Omega 3 120 softgel caps
Oatmeal bars with a high fiber content. Gluten free. PROTEINI.SI ENERGY BAR is a soft and chewable oat flake bar with carefully selected fruits and nuts, available in two delicious flavors and with milk chocolate or yoghurt coating. It's a perfect source of energy for anyone who doesn't want to run out of energy while exercising. Ideal for cyclists, runners, triathletes, mountaineers, soccer players and all other sports enthusiasts who need a convenient source of energy during their activity. Main features: Source of complex, slow-releasing carbohydrates Provides long-lasting energy from oats and fats An excellent meal before training or as a high-energy snack during the day A good choice to replenish energy stores during long endurance activities Has a positive effect on digestion due to the high fiber content Gluten free * A balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. Net quantity: 60 g / 20x60 g * Take 1 serving daily with plenty of water.

CHF 22.90*
30 %
Organic Ashwagandha powder 175g
The popularity and use of Ashwagandha powder is continuously increasing. The winter cherry has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for more than 3,000 years. The term “Ashwagandha” comes from Sanskrit and means “smell of the horse” in German. This versatile plant is also known as winter cherry, sleeping berry or Indian ginseng. Application of the powder The Ashwagandha powder can be dissolved effortlessly and is therefore ideal for adding to smoothies or shakes. It can also be enjoyed as a tea. The daily recommendation of 3g should not be exceeded. Areas of application The root can be used in a variety of recipes. Here is a rough overview of where Ashwagandha can be mixed in: yogurt Smoothies Juice Desserts Salads Notice Ashwagandha is not recommended during pregnancy. Storage Store the product tightly closed in a cool and dry place to maintain its quality. Allergies Please note that the product may contain traces of soy, wheat and gluten. Organic certificationCH-BIO-006

CHF 13.95* CHF 19.90*
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is commonly known as Indian ginseng or winter cherry and is one of the most important herbs used in Ayurveda (a system of Indian medicine developed in ancient times). In traditional Hindu philosophy, it is treated as a rejuvenating agent, known as rasayana. In Ayurveda, rasayanas are described as remedies that counteract the effects of age and disease. ASHWAGANDHA 600 Sport Edition, with KSM-66®, has a very broad spectrum of action:- it supports the function of the nervous system (it improves memory), - it supports the function of the reproductive system (it enhances sexual functions), - it supports the function of the immunological system (it improves cell immunity),- it has antioxidant properties that help protect cells from reactive forms of oxygen- its ingredients and dosages are identical to those used in clinical studies- one pack provides up to one month of supplements- it applies a holistic mechanism in its effect on an athlete's body Withania somnifera, originally known as an adaptogen, increases the body's resistance to stress.KSM-66® is a patented ashwagandha extract with the highest concentration of active ingredients in the world. It took the manufacturer a full 14 years to develop the extraction process for isolating such a rich raw material. ASHWAGANDHA 600 Sport Edition has a very broad spectrum of activity. It contributes to optimal durability and supports physical vitality. It increases stress resistance and contributes to an increase in muscle mass. Consumption The serving size is 1 capsule. Take 1 serving twice daily with a meal and plenty of water. Warning: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. Not recommended for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Do not take if you are hypersensitive to any of the product's ingredients. Do not consume alcohol or take any sedative or anti-anxiety medication while using the preparation. Keep out of the reach of children.

Content: 0.03 Kilogramme (CHF 29.80* / 0.06 Kilogramme)

CHF 14.90*

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